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How to Sustain and Expand Your Employee Resource Group

Starting Your Employee Resource Group: A Step-by-Step Guide

Best Practices for Launching Your Employee Resource Group

Employee Resource Groups: What They Are and Why They Matter

Launching and Scaling Your Employee Resources Group with Cognassist Neuro-Inclusion Champions

The days of blaming funding rules for ALS claw-back are long gone 

Understanding Numeracy

How do you provide appropriate adjustments when you don’t know if an employee has a neuro-difference?

Impact Matters Within Neuro-inclusion with Mark Johnson

Tom Norrish, JPMorgan Chase – Top tips on how to build a business case for neuro-inclusion

My Hearing-Loss Journey: Jenny’s Story

ADHD in the Workplace

A primer for understanding ADHD in the workplace for employers and employees

Happy employee

Dyslexia in the Workplace

A primer for understanding Dyslexia in the workplace for employers and employees

Autism in the Workplace

A primer for understanding autism in the workplace for employers and employees

Dyscalculia in the Workplace

A primer for understanding dyscalculia in the workplace for employers and employees

Dyspraxia in the Workplace

A primer for understanding dyspraxia in the workplace for employers and employees

How to support degree level apprentices.

How to increase opportunities and remove barriers in adult education

How to prevent your apprentices dropping out

Best practice reasonable adjustments

Intersectionality: An Introduction

A brief history of “Neurodiversity”: Defining a powerful social movement

How to understand and implement reasonable adjustments

Maximise Impact, minimise dropouts: The tutor’s adjustment playbook

How we talk about neurodiversity

The Apprenticeships Conference: The (not so) secret to delivering quality apprenticeships

The future of learning engagement: Key insights from OneFile and Cognassist

RSM UK auditor explains the Apprenticeship Funding Rules

The future of learning support: Mandatory screening for learning difficulties in apprenticeships

Neuro-inclusion at work: Why it pays to have more diverse minds

‘ADHD is something I perceive as being, in the round, an asset to me at work.’: Charlotte’s Neurodiversity Story

‘I felt liberated’: Alex’s Neurodiversity Story

“I am always keen to understand more about myself and how I can improve” – Tracy’s Openreach story

“Cognassist is a brilliant idea, I think this should be part of any work environment!” – James’ Openreach story

Cognition and neurodiversity: Eight reasons why cognition matters for neuro-inclusion

Survey Results: Address Neuro-Inclusion Challenges in Apprenticeships to Reduce Dropout Rates

NiB Conference: Organisations identify their key gaps to supporting neurodiversity at work

Neurodiversity and Me: Georgie’s Story

Flexible Learning Plans | How to improve your learner journey

10 workplace adjustments to support neurodiversity

How to setup and run a successful ERG

Neurodiversity and LGBTQIA+: Gender identity, sexuality, neurodifferences and pride

Pride Blog

Your quick guide to equality, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace

FREE Guide

Common barriers to equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives

Neurodiversity recruitment: How neuro-inclusive are your hiring practices?

Top tips for raising neurodiversity awareness at work

Four crucial steps to manage neuro-different employees

How do we learn? A guide to cognition and learning

FREE Guide

Learning support in the Ofsted 3 I’s

Learning Support and the Education Inspection Framework

8 cognitive strategies to enhance retention and learning

Great minds don’t think alike: Tips for a neuro-inclusive workplace

Employee Success Story

Lincoln College Cognassist

Lincoln College Learner, Hayley Holmes

Building a learning culture in the workplace

3 steps for building an inclusive culture of learning at work

Success story: Dove Nest & Cognassist

How to support learning in the workplace

Improve Apprenticeship Retention Rates

What can we do to reduce apprenticeship dropout?

My Ofsted needs improvement, how do I improve my Ofsted grade?

Ofsted requires improvement | strategies to improve grades

Tips for an Ofsted inspection to showcase your organisation to inspectors

5 Tips for an Ofsted inspection

Curriculum Planning | Personalised Learning

How do I improve the LDD learner journey

Enhancing The LDD Learner Journey | Ofsted Learner Journey LDD

How to track confidence and motivation of learners

How to improve confidence and motivation of learners

How to measure confidence and motivation of learners

Industry leader: Paul Eeles

skern skills and training

Skern Training & Skills Learner, Connor Daniel

lincoln college

Lincoln College Learner, Holly Fitzgerald

LDN Apprenticeships Learner, Mary McCormick

How to improve learner outcomes: assess everyone

The Quality Series #3 Q&A

The Quality Series #2 Q&A

The Quality Series #1 Q&A

5 ways universities can meet the Government’s levelling up agenda

virgin care cognassist

The Learning Enterprise Learner, Emmanuel Oluwaniyi

Supporting adult learners: my experiences with older DSA learners

train together cognassist

Train Together Learner, Liesel Cubitt

Image: Ask the inspector with Marina Gaze

Got inspection questions? Ask the Inspector: Q&A

cognitive assessment and age

Cognitive assessment: why age matters

CEO talks about dealing with stress and anxiety

Our CEO Chris Quickfall on Dealing with Stress and Anxiety

Helping adults with learning differences

Adult learning insight from Marina Gaze

Cognassist assessment results

What do my results mean?

Dig into your results and what they mean.

Reasonable adjustment outcomes: success stories and the Ofsted EIF

BT talks about executing reasonable adjustments: Insider Q&A

Government rules on reasonable adjustments: Q&A with ESFA and IfATE

How to implement reasonable adjustments: Expert Q&A

What is the Adult Education Budget (AEB)?

How to use the Adult Education Budget to support LDD or high needs learners

What are reasonable adjustments? And why are they crucial for learners?

learning support funding apprenticeships

Learning support funding: 10 things you need to know

Handling Stress: How does stress affect the brain?

Handling stress: How to tackle stress in positive ways

Handling Stress: 7 quick and easy ways to cope with stress

CEO secrets of Chris Quickfall

CEO Secrets…revealed

CQ shares his dashboard

Getting started with Cognassist

Learn implementation best practices.

Covid Stories: Lockdown support tips from Youthforce

Covid Stories: Train Together expands remote support

why do clients choose Cognassist

11 reasons why our clients choose Cognassist

lifelong learning letter to adults

Don’t hesitate: an open letter to adult learners

How to use Learning Support Funding for LDD or high needs learners

Guide to Learning Support Funding

What is Learning Support Funding and how does it work?

“I’m bad at learning”: How to build confidence in adult learners

The Reasonable Adjustments Series: join BT, IfATE and more

barriers to adult education blog

Adult education and poverty: Breaking down socio-economic barriers

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