Enhance value and credibility to your organisation, people and stakeholders.

Demonstrate your neuro-inclusive culture to external customers, partners and candidates.

Provide your workforce with neuro-inclusion training tailored to their level or role within the organisation.

Neuro-inclusion certified training options

Employee awareness

Manager awareness


Neurodiversity Awareness Training: Employee

  • For all employees

  • No pre-requisite requirements

  • Available as expert-led webinar or modular e-learning course

  • Assured by City & Guilds

Level-up every member of your organisation with integral awareness of what it means to be part of a neuro-inclusive organisation, and their role within it.

Key benefits

Provide a foundation of understanding

Foster confidence, empathy and appreciation, remove misconceptions and create a modern understanding of neurodiversity across your workforce.

An overarching insight in to neurodiversity

Provide employees with key information about specific neuro-identities, the cognitive strengths of specific neuro-differences and typical associated barriers faced in work and everyday life.

Enable employees to enhance their knowledge

Create a sense of ownership and actionability and discover steps to support neuro-inclusion in your workplace.

Neurodiversity Awareness Training for Managers

  • For managers and Neuro-inclusion Champions

  • Prerequisites: Neuro-inclusion: Employee awareness training

  • Available as expert-led webinar or modular e-learning course

  • Assured by City & Guilds and ILM

Empower your managers to help cultivate a workplace that celebrates and supports cognitive diversity. Elevate their managerial skills to spearhead inclusivity and drive success for your entire organisation.

Key benefits

Apply knowledge of neuro-differences to management practices

Develop a deeper understanding of neuro-differences, their associated strengths and challenges, and how to provide effective support. Acquire the skills to identify and create Personalised Workplace Adjustment plans tailored to your team's unique requirements.

Ensure compliance with legal duties

Provide your managers with an awareness of their legal duties and how to perform their role effectively, in line with the organisation’s broader responsibilities towards neurological differences.

Lead with disclosure best practice

Gain insights into best practices for supporting team members before, during, and after a neuro-difference disclosure. Equip your managers to respond swiftly and professionally within the Neuro-difference Disclosure Framework, promoting trust with team members.

Neuro-inclusion: Champion training

  • For Neuro-inclusion Champions

  • Prerequisites: Neuro-inclusion: Employee awareness and Neuro-inclusion: Manager awareness training

  • Available as expert-led webinar or modular e-learning course

  • Assured by City & Guilds and ILM

Initiate and qualify your neuro-inclusion leaders and embed their knowledge in your organisation’s capabilities.

Key benefits

Internal support infrastructure

Your people know your organisation the best. Neuro-inclusion Champions are trained to provide guidance for employees and managers in a flexible manner through confidential and collaborative conversations.

A network of experts

Champions give employees and their managers confidence in your organisation’s expertise to navigate even the most complex situations. Employees have the flexibility to choose who to talk to, and can receive support whether they choose to disclose a neuro-difference or not.

Actionable long-term change

Transform your organisation with training that goes beyond awareness—our programme leads to actionable, long-term change. Embed the principles of neuro-inclusion into the fabric of your organisation for sustained impact and assured quality.

Neuro-inclusion Certified Training: Benefits to the Employer

✓ Legal

Our platform has a legal wrapper for the Employee and Organisation that means a disclosure to Cognassist or a Neuro-inclusion Champion is protected knowledge and neither act as an Agent of your organisation during communication.

✓ Compliance and risk management:

Understanding neurodiversity demographics can also help in ensuring compliance with legal requirements related to workplace diversity and accommodations. It can reduce the risk of discrimination lawsuits and improve the company’s ability to meet regulatory standards.

✓ Aggregated Data Dashboard

Without disclosure, an organisation cannot truly understand the diversity profile of the workforce. The Cognassist Neuro-difference Disclosure Framework provides the anonymous/protected data collection mechanism to populate a Neuro-difference dashboard so you can be aware of the true diversity profile.

✓ Support All Employees

With the Cognassist platform an organisation can confidently say they provide all employees the opportunity for support, even if they are not yet ready to disclose.

✓ Enhance EDI Reputation internally and externally

Demonstrating a commitment to diversity and inclusion can enhance the company’s reputation both internally and externally. It can create a more positive workplace culture, improve employee morale, and attract a wider range of talent.

✓ Employee retention

Supported employees are happier employees. By providing mechanisms to ensure all staff are supported retain talented staff members and reduce recruitment costs.

Neuro-inclusion Certified Training: Benefits to the Employee

✓ Multiple levels of disclosure

Provide a safe framework for all employees to work up to their desired level of disclosure.

✓ Curated support

Available immediately even at the most private level of disclosure through personalised workplace adjustments and strategies.

✓ Improved employee satisfaction

Increased levels of disclosure opportunity show you are an inclusive employer taking action and bringing your EDI processes into the future. Employees will become stronger advocates of their employer.

Speak to an expert to learn more

If you are looking for certified neuro-inclusion training, complete the form below.