Cognassist Personalised Workplace Adjustments

Tailored adjustments and strategies for both employees and their managers, carefully curated based on disclosure, job role and cognitive profile. Enable your teams by providing adjustment strategies for everyone.

Did you know? If your organisation has actual or constructive knowledge of an employee’s neurodifferences, you have a duty to implement reasonable adjustments to prevent the individual from facing unreasonable challenges or direct discrimination at work.


Level Based Adjustments and Strategies

Neurodifference Representation

Neurodifference Disclosure

Neurodifference / Neurodiversity Workforce Representation-

Role Type

Cognitive Mapping

Neurodifference Disclosure

Level 1

Employees can get instant access to personalised workplace adjustments based on disclosing a neurodifference. For example, if disclosing through the Cognassist Neurodifference Disclosure Framework, that the employee has ADHD, personalised adjustments are shared.

Role Type

Level 2

Employees can get instant access to personalised workplace adjustments based on providing detail around the type of role an employee works in.

Instant personalised adjustments mean the employee can take action and immediately enhance how they work.

empowered engagement

Cognitive Mapping

Level 3

Our most advanced personalised workplace adjustments are tailored to the employee’s results from taking the Cognassist Cognitive Diversity Assessment.

Our Cognitive mapping doesn’t result in labels, even for those with a neurodiversity, it shows people their natural processing bias and thinking differences. You can’t compare one person to another.

Enable every employee to understand their own cognition, and crucially act on it with Level 3 personalised adjustments.


Personalised Workplace Adjustments: Benefits to the Organisation


Increased Productivity

Workplace adjustments can often be cost-effective compared to the expenses associated with recruiting, hiring, and training new employees. Accommodations can help retain valuable existing talent.


Legal Compliance

As stated in the Equality Act 2010, an employer must make reasonable adjustments when a policy, practice or criteria puts a neuro-minority individual at a substantial disadvantage compared to someone who is not a neuro-minority. Meeting these legal obligations helps organisations avoid legal issues and fosters a positive reputation.


Cost Savings

Without disclosure, an organisation cannot truly understand the diversity profile of the workforce. The Cognassist Neurodifference Disclosure Framework provides the anonymous/protected data collection mechanism to populate a Neurodifference dashboard so you can be aware of the true diversity profile.


Talent Retention:

With the Cognassist platform an organisation can confidently say they provide all employees the opportunity for support, even if they are not yet ready to disclose.


✓ Enhance EDI Reputation internally and externally

Demonstrating a commitment to diversity and inclusion can enhance the company’s reputation both internally and externally. It can create a more positive workplace culture, improve employee morale, and attract a wider range of talent.


Personalised Workplace Adjustments: Benefits to the Employee

Highly Tailored

Workplace adjustments that are bespoke to their exact needs.


✓ Increased Job Satisfaction

Employees who receive workplace adjustments that cater to their needs often experience increased job satisfaction. Knowing that their employer is supportive and willing to make accommodations contributes to a positive work experience. Providing highly personalised adjustments significantly improve this.


✓ Enhanced Well-Being

Personalised Workplace adjustments contribute to the overall well-being of employees by creating a more comfortable and accessible work environment. This can lead to reduced stress and improved mental health.


✓ Increased Productivity

When employees have the tools and resources they need to perform their tasks, productivity is likely to increase. Accommodations can remove barriers to efficiency, allowing employees to focus on their work.


✓ Greater Job Retention

Employees who receive necessary accommodations are more likely to stay with their current employer. This can contribute to higher job retention rates, saving the organisation the costs associated with recruitment and training of new personnel.

Speak to an expert to learn more

27 workplace adjustments to support neurodiversity

  • Verbal and communication workplace adjustments
  • Environmental workplace adjustments
  • Personal development workplace adjustments
  • Taking steps to build resilience and sustainable employee growth