Neuro-inclusion Support Framework
Revolutionise neuro-inclusion in the workplace and enable your employees to unlock their neuroverse.
Solve the neurodifference disclosure problem
Employers strive to offer psychological safety and motivation to their workforce, allowing them to excel in their roles. Employees seek this valuable support from their employers, aspiring to work in an atmosphere that not only cares for their mental well-being but also encourages them to thrive. Yet a significant barrier to achieving this is the neurodifference disclosure problem.
The “Neurodiversity at Work 2023: Demand, Supply, and a Gap Analysis” research from Birkbeck University of London found that:
These facts in combination create a clear problem for achieving our goal of ensuring everyone can access personalised workplace adjustments that allow them to thrive.
The Cognassist Neuro-inclusion Support Framework
Typically, employees have a single binary option – to self-disclose a neurodifference to the company or to keep it to themselves.
At Cognassist we believe there needs to be more options in between everything or nothing.
With Cognassist you can provide immediate support to your colleagues while they maintain complete confidentiality with regards to their neurodifference. This is made possible by the Cognassist Neuro-inclusion Support Framework.
With our platform, an organisation can offer all their employees tailored support from an internal advocate for neuro-inclusion, while they maintain confidentiality.
Disclosure stages
Protected System Support
Employees can disclose on the Cognassist platform completely confidentially. This information is not available to the employer. The employee is immediately provided with personalised adjustments and strategies that are specific to their neurodifference.
These adjustments and strategies can be applied by the individual to help remove any potential barriers they could be facing daily.
Neuro-inclusion Champion Support
This allows an employee to request support from a certified Neuro-inclusion Champion within your organisation, knowing the Neuro-inclusion Champion is bound to protect their privacy.
The Neuro-inclusion Champion is an employee within the organisation and therefore is perfectly suited to discussing options and support solutions with the employee. They have knowledge of the organisation’s culture and infrastructure.
This provides employees with an additional level of support. A trained neuro-inclusion-aware individual within the organisation who can provide additional support and advice without giving that information to anyone else in the company.
Neuro-inclusion Champions
Your champions are individuals within the organisation who have proved themselves to be knowledgeable and supportive of neurodifferences.
This may be from personal and lived experience. It may be from professional development training provided externally. Or it could be individuals in your organisation who have completed our accredited neuro-inclusion champion training.
Neuro-inclusion Support Framework: Benefits to the Organisation
✓ Legal
Our platform has a legal wrapper for the Employee and Organisation that means a support request to Cognassist or a Neuro-inclusion Champion is protected knowledge and neither act as an Agent of your organisation during communication
Compliance and risk management: Understanding neurodiversity demographics can also help in ensuring compliance with legal requirements related to workplace diversity and accommodations. It can reduce the risk of discrimination lawsuits and improve the company’s ability to meet regulatory standards.
✓ Aggregated Data Dashboard
Without disclosure, an organisation cannot truly understand the diversity profile of the workforce. The Cognassist Neuro-inclusion Support Framework provides the anonymous/protected data collection mechanism to populate a Neurodifference dashboard so you can be aware of the true diversity profile.
✓ Support All Employees
With the Cognassist platform an organisation can confidently say they provide all employees the opportunity for support, even if they are not yet ready to disclose.
✓ Enhance EDI Reputation internally and externally
Demonstrating a commitment to diversity and inclusion can enhance the company’s reputation both internally and externally. It can create a more positive workplace culture, improve employee morale, and attract a wider range of talent.
✓ Employee retention
Supported employees are happier employees. By providing mechanisms to ensure all staff are supported retain talented staff members and reduce recruitment costs.
Neurodifference Disclosure Framework: Benefits to the Employee
✓ Multiple levels of support
Provide a safe framework for all employees to work up to their desired level of support.
✓ Curated support
Available immediately even at the most private level of disclosure through personalised workplace adjustments and strategies.
✓ Improved employee satisfaction
Increased levels of support show you are an inclusive employer taking action and bringing your EDI processes into the future. Employees will become stronger advocates of their employer.
Speak to an expert to learn more
If you are looking to implement an effective neuro-inclusion support framework, complete the form below.