
Maximise diverse potential.

Embrace every unique strength.

About this package

For organisations who are mature on their neuro-inclusion journey, wanting custom support and early access features.

Experience the full range of features from our Aware and Engage packages, along with exclusive additions such as premium onboarding, a dedicated Customer Success Manager, API access, early feature releases, and seamless Single Sign-On (SSO) integration. Elevate is meticulously designed to provide tailored support, ensuring your organisation leads the way in neuro-inclusion.

  • Benefit from premium onboarding and a dedicated Customer Success Manager.
  • API access for custom integration.
  • Early access to new features to lead the way in neuro-inclusion.


Level 1-3 training to ensure the organisation is upskilled in neuro-inclusion.


Champion framework to embed support and direction for those who need it.


Understanding self through cognitive mapping, enabling employees to appreciate others and themselves.

Neuro-difference dashboard

Workforce represenation

Enhance your workplace experience with a focus on meaningful representation – recognising its importance in fostering a thriving environment.

Neuro-difference representation

Understanding the distinct breakdown of neuro-differences empowers you to optimise your communication approaches, ensuring they align seamlessly with the diverse needs and perspectives of your people.

Empowered engagement

By showcasing the representation of neurodiversity, you not only promote transparency but also cultivate an environment where everyone’s unique strengths are recognised and celebrated.

Accredited and certified neuro-inclusion training

Empower teams, embrace differences with 3 levels of neuro-inclusion training.

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Neuro-Inclusion employee awareness training

Level-up every member of your organisation with integral awareness of what it means to be part of a neuro-inclusive organisation, and their role within it.

Neuro-Inclusion manager awareness training

Empower your managers to help cultivate a workplace that celebrates and supports cognitive diversity. Elevate their managerial skills to spearhead inclusivity and drive success for your entire organisation.

Neuro-Inclusion champion awareness training

Create Champions to act as a second line of support for managers and HR. Champions can support with complex employee support situations and adjustment plan design.

Enable everyone to understand their cognition

Our Cognitive mapping doesn’t result in labels, it shows people how they think differently as all minds are unique a diverse.

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Actionable long-term change

Employees get personalised overview and insights into their cognitive differences.

Ensure compliance with legal duties

Employers can see an overview of their workforce’s cognitive profiling, a basis for providing support and adjustments.

Enable employees to enhance their knowledge

A powerful guide for discussions between individuals and their manager, to review areas they clearly excel within, and any areas in which they may require support.

AI powered personalised workplace adjustments

Employees need to be able to access support, even if they do not disclose. With Cognassist you can provide immediate support to your colleagues while they maintain complete confidentiality with regards to their neuro-difference.

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Instant access to adjustments

Employees can get instant access to personalised workplace adjustments based on disclosing a neuro-difference.

Adjustments based on Cognitive Mapping

Personalised workplace adjustments are tailored to the employee’s results from taking the Cognassist Cognitive Diversity Assessment.

AI contextual adjustments

Adjustments powered by AI, converse with our AI assistant to get highly contexualised adjustments

Neuro-inclusion support framework

With Cognassist you can provide immediate support to your colleagues while they maintain complete confidentiality with regards to their neurodifference. This is made possible by the Cognassist Neuro-inclusion Support Framework.

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Confidential disclosure

Employees can seek support from a certified Neuro-inclusion Champion, assured of their privacy protection.

Tailored support from Champions

Employees get immediate access to personalised adjustments and strategies specific to their neuro-difference.

Enhance workplace experience

Open communication and flexible adjustments support a more inclusive workplace.

Additional features available in Elevate

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Price from £388 / month from £521 / month from £661 / month
Certified training
Cognitive Mapping
Neuro-difference dashboard
Neuro-inclusion support framework
Personalised workplace adjustments
API access
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What our customers say

Our neuro-inclusive practices and culture are a crucial foundation for success in every aspect. Cognassist’s assessment and training has given us the confidence to push forward in utilising every individual cognitive strength of our workforce, supporting them in their role, while the business reaps the benefits of doing so.


David Grailey

Managing Director, MTC Training

Frequently asked questions

Cognassist help organisations understand their neuro-different workforce, enabling everyone to thrive in the workplace.

To enable and support this, we offer comprehensive:

  • individual cognitive mapping
  • tailored neuro-inclusion training
  • a robust Neuro-Difference Disclosure Framework
  • personalised workplace adjustments powered by AI
  • a shared community to engage with internal colleagues and other organisations on the same journey.

Level-up every member of your organisation with integral awareness of what it means to be part of a neuro-inclusive organisation, and their role within it.

  • For all employees
  • No pre-requisite requirements
  • Available as expert-led webinar or modular e-learning course
  • Assured by City & Guilds

Learn more here

Empower your managers to help cultivate a workplace that celebrates and supports cognitive diversity. Elevate their managerial skills to spearhead inclusivity and drive success for your entire organisation.

  • For managers and Neuro-inclusion Champions
  • Prerequisites: Neuro-inclusion: Employee awareness training
  • Available as expert-led webinar or modular e-learning course
  • Assured by City & Guilds and ILM

Learn more here

Initiate and qualify your neuro-inclusion leaders and embed their knowledge in your organisation’s capabilities.

  • For Neuro-inclusion Champions
  • Prerequisites: Neuro-inclusion: Employee awareness and Neuro-inclusion: Manager awareness training
  • Available as expert-led webinar or modular e-learning course
  • Assured by City & Guilds and ILM

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Employee is an individual who receives the awarness level 1 training.

Managers are certified by completing the manager course.

A champion is a specifically trained employee who can support employees and managers and provide sign posting.

The training certification is a one-off process, delivered by webinar or e-learning. In addition, there is always-on e-learning for employees, managers and champions.

The training is accredited by City and Guilds and ILM.

Our cognitive mapping creates a visual representation of an individual’s cognitive make-up; Providing a basis for understanding how that individual processes, interacts and evaluates information.

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Yes, email support for all packages and CSM for the Elevate package.

Certainly, Watch here

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