Equality is Quality
You can’t have a quality provision without embedding equality.
Join us as we explore the importance of equality in a quality provision
#EqualityIsQuality #NoLearnerLeftBehind
Whitepaper: “How to understand and safeguard your learners’ needs from day one”
If you are looking to build an outstanding provision (and who isn’t?), you need to ensure every learner receives the same high quality experience and an equal opportunity of success.
We’re not the only ones who think this.
With the release of the Education Inspection Framework in 2019, Ofsted very clearly highlighted the importance of providing a high quality provision for all learners:
“The quality of provision for learners with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is also always considered on inspection.” (Ofsted, 2019)
At Cognassist, we have always said that with the right support, learners who might typically struggle in education can go on to achieve alongside their peers.
It’s vital that providers take active steps to level up learner support throughout the entire learning journey to make this a reality. It takes commitment from organisations to embed equality into the foundation of their provision, but we must be doing everything we can to ensure all learners receive the right support.
But how can you be sure you’re identifying all learners who would benefit from support?
Tutor instincts?
English and Maths skills assessments?
These approaches don’t do enough for learners.
Initial assessment to identify cognitive learning needs is a simple step your organisation can take to embed equality and inclusion within your organisation.
This whitepaper dives into some of the key reasons why initial assessment helps your organisation and learners to achieve the top levels of success.
Check it out here.
The Quality Series 2021
The Quality Series #1: Ensuring Equality
Mesma CEO, Louise Doyle, joins us as we reveal the new Quality Assurance Framework!
The Quality Series #2: Prioritising Equality
Marina Gaze, former Deputy Director of FE and Skills at Ofsted, Kelly Townend, Quality Manager at West Yorkshire Learning Provider Network and Beej Kaczmarczyk, Director at Learning Curve Group join us as we discuss how you can ensure equality is prioritised within your quality assurance processes.
The Quality Series #3: Embedding Equality
Federation of Awarding Bodies, Education and Skills Funding Agency and the BAME Apprenticeship Network join us for the final in the series!
The Quality Assurance Framework
The LDD Quality Assurance Framework Module is available free of charge to everyone.
The online Framework is hosted on the Mesma platform and will take you step by step through the five key stages of the learner journey and facilitate self-reflection and audit on your support for learners with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities at each of these stages.
Good news! Anyone is able to access this module, you don’t need to be a pre-existing Mesma customer.
Harness cognition to ensure no learner is left behind
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