The Shared Compass is now available

The Shared Compass is a powerful tool designed to guide and enhance the interaction between employees and managers. It facilitates structured, productive conversations, focusing on individual cognitive needs, neuro-inclusion, and the workplace support required for success.

Inclusive Conversations

The Compass encourages open, inclusive discussions around neuro-differences and other personal challenges, ensuring employees feel understood, supported, and empowered to thrive in their roles.

Improved Workplace Productivity

By identifying cognitive flow zones and recognising areas of difficulty, the Compass enables managers and employees to co-create action plans that enhance performance and reduce barriers to productivity.

Personalised Workplace Support

Employees can share cognitive insights and personal needs with managers, fostering an open dialogue about the right strategies, tools, and adjustments for their success.

The Compass is an employee-driven document, designed to identify personal strengths, potential barriers, and tailored strategies that promote better working relationships and outcomes.


Who should use the Shared Compass?

The Shared Compass is designed for any employee who wants to improve communication with their manager regarding workplace support, particularly those who may benefit from cognitive strategies or adjustments.

Is the information shared confidential?

Yes, employees are encouraged to share only what they feel comfortable with. Managers are expected to handle the information with care and ensure confidentiality.

Do I need to have a neuro-difference to use the Shared Compass?

No, the Shared Compass can be used by any employee seeking support in their role, whether or not they have a diagnosed neuro-difference. It’s a tool for fostering better understanding and communication.

Can the Compass be updated over time?

Yes, the Shared Compass is a living document that can be revisited and updated as work situations, support needs, or roles change.

What if my manager isn’t familiar with Cognassist?

The Shared Compass provides clear guidance for managers on how to support employees, regardless of their familiarity with Cognassist. Managers can also explore Cognassist resources to learn more.

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